Personal information
Professional experience
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Warsaw, Poland,
Migration Research Center
Assistant Professor
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Institute of Intercultural Studies, Faculty of International and Political Studies
Associate Professor in Human Geography
University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Fully Funded Doctoral Research Fellow
University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Research Fellow
as part of the Horizon 2020 MSCA ITN Integration and international migration: pathways and integration policies (INTEGRIM)
Migration Research Centre, Koç University, Turkey
Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
PhD, Interdisciplinary Culture Studies
University of South-Eastern Norway, Bø, Norway
Master’s Degree, Sociology
AGH University of Science and Technology. Kraków, Poland
Bachelor’s Degree, Sociology
AGH University of Science and Technology. Kraków, Poland
Selected Received Grants
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
Marie Curie Actions, Horizon Europe, grant agreement n° 101059766
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher fellowship
Integrim Programme, Marie Curie Actions, European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013), grant agreement n° 316796 (
Fully funded PhD scholarship
University of South-Eastern Norway
Academic Stays
Visiting Scholar
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Visiting Researcher
The Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
Peer reviewed Journal Articles
Towards a transdimensional home: home-making in the narrations of Norwegians of Turkish descent
Journal of Housing and Built Environment
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2021)
Visualising transnationalism: Photography in analyses of migrants’ belonging
Urbanities – Journal of Urban Ethnography 10(2) (November 2020)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2020)
Migrating heritage? Recreating ancestral and new homeland heritage in the practices of migrant minorities
International Journal of Heritage Studies 25(11)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2019)
The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Development of the Sense of Belonging among Young Norwegian Turks: Boundary Making and Crossing
The Age of Human Rights Journal 7(2016)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2016)
Adaptation of Immigrant Children. Selected Aspects of Norwegian Immigration Policy Towards Children
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 5(1)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2016)
Meaning and Functions of Norwegian-Turkish Vernacular Space in Drammen, Norway
Border Crossing 6(2)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2016)
Między domem a szkołą. Dzieci migrantów w systemie edukacyjnym. Kontekst norweski (Migrant Children in Education System. Norwegian Case.)
Studia Migracyjne–Przegląd Polonijny 2(2014)
Slusarczyk, M. and Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2014)
Czlowiek-Kobieta-Zakonnica? Sposoby konstruowania kobiecosci przez siostry zakonne (Constructing Femininity. A Case of Polish Nuns)
Studia Humanistyczne AGH 12(3)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2013)
Migrant –widmo, czyli w poszukiwaniu miejsca kobiety w studiach nad migracjami (In Search of Woman’s Place in Migration Studies)
Societas Communitas 1(13)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2012)
Kobiecość, zasłona i patriarchat w demokratycznej Republice Tureckiej, czyli kim jest współczesna Turczynka? (Femininity, Veil and Patriarchy in the Democratic Republic of Turkey. Who Is a Modern Turkish Woman?)
Studia Humanistyczne AGH 11(2)
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2012)
Edited Volumes and Monographs
Visual Methodology in Migration Studies: new possibilities, theoretical implications, and ethical questions
IMISCOE Book Series. Amsterdam: Springer
Nikielska-Sekula, K., and Desille, A. (2021)
Locating In-betweenness Belonging. Translocational Positionality, and the Cultural Heritage of Drammenian Turks
PhD Thesis, University of South-Eastern Norway
Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2018)
Visual Methods in Migration Studies
Briefs on Methodological, Ethical and Epistemological Issues. IMISCOE and CrossMigration Project
Desille, A., Buhr, F., and Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2019)
Scientific Conference Proceedings
Imiscoe Annual Conference
Warsaw, July 2023. Paper: Theorising bodily-felt familiarity and difference in migration research
Multimodal Research and Publishing Workshop
ZOIS/DeZIM Berlin, 19-20 June 2023. Paper: “Embodying Transnational Belonging”
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Oslo. July 2022. Paper: “Sensing Belonging of Polish Labour Migrants in Norway”
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Digital. July 2021. Paper: “Transforming national heritage: participation of immigrant minorities in national day celebrations in Norway”
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Digital. July 2021. Paper: “To which extent can migrants’ participation in cultural heritage pave the way for a de-colonial cultural heritage?”
IVSA Annual Conference
Digital. July 2021. Paper: “Seen and unseen in migration experiences: Beyond ‘Visual Essentialism’” (co-authored with Amandine Desille)
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Digital, 2-3 July 2020. Paper: “Visual Methods in Migration Studies: new possibilities, theoretical implications, and ethical questions” (co-authored with Amandine Desille)
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Digital, 2-3 July 2020. Paper: “Everyday encounters with national day celebrations: the case of Turks in Norway”
The Migration Conference
Bari, June 2019. Paper: “Conceptualisations of home by Norwegians of Turkish descent”
HomING Symposium: displacement, suspension, projections and achievements in making home on the move
Trento, 3-4 June 2019. Paper: “Conceptualisations of home by Norwegians of Turkish descent”
IVSA Annual Conference
Paris-Evry, 25-28 June 2018. Paper: “Have you Just Taken a Picture of Me?: Visual ethnography as a tool in analysing a complex life situation of migrant minorities”
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Rotterdam, 28-30 June 2017. Paper: “Visualizing heterotopias: Norwegian-Turkish clubs in Drammen, Norway”
Third ISA Forum of Sociology
Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016. Paper: “The Taste of the stranger. Performing Heritage in Language and Culture Festival in Norway”
Turkish Migration Conference
Vienna, Austria, 12-15 July 2016. Paper: “Meaning and Functions of Norwegian-Turkish Vernacular Space in Drammen, Norway” (awarded Runner up for Best Paper Prize)
INTEGRIM Final Conference
Bilbao, Spain, 6-8 July 2016. Paper: “Negotiations of belonging and home among young Norwegian Turks”
IVSA Annual Conference
Lillehammer, Norway, 22-24 June 2016. Paper: “From Norway to Turkey. Visualising Transnational Belonging”
Minor Culture Conference
Melbourne, Australia, 1-3 December 2015. Paper: “Turkish Vernacular Space in a Norwegian City”
INTEGRIM Annual Conference
Istanbul, Turkey, 18-20 November 2015. Paper: “Towards the signs of Turkish ethnic identity in a mid-sized Norwegian city”
MiReKoc Seminar Series
Istanbul, Turkey, 4 November 2015. Paper:”Mixing Cultural Practices During the Celebration of Norway`s Constitution Day”
Child Migrants and Third Culture Kids. Roots and Routes
Kraków, Poland, 7-9 June 2013. Paper: “Child Welfare? Polish children in the context of migration” (co-authored with Professor Krystyna Slany and Dr. Magdalena Ślusarczyk)
Nordic Migration Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark. 13-15 August 2014. Paper: “Reflection of the Body in Narratives of Four Female Turkish Immigrants in Norway”
Invited talks
European Pact for Integration (EPI), final conference
May 2022, Monza, Italy. Paper: Visual Representation of Migration in Times of Crises.
The Human Dimension of Heritage in the EU
Center for European Studies, University of Florida, 6.04.2021. Paper: “Inclusion without participation? Institutional attempts of minorities’ heritage incusion on the example of Norsk Folkemuseum”
Kulturrikets tilstand 2017
Oslo, 25/10/2017 Seminar for scholars and practitioners, Paper: “Is multiculturalism good enough today?”
Bruk av Kulturarv
Bø, Norway. 12/11/2014. Seminar for scholars and practitioners. Paper: “Boundaries of Ethnicity? Mixing the Cultural Practices of Immigrants and Ethnic Norwegians: A case of May 17”
Organisation of scientific meetings
Workshop organiser
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2023. Title: “Multisensorial research, migrations and inequalities – exploring new methodological pathways”
Workshop organiser
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2020. Title: “Connecting cultures, negotiating heritages: The role of cultural heritage in migrants´ integration and social cohesion”
Panel organiser
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2017. Title: “Visualizing immigration in the city: production, reproduction and contestation of the urban space”
Co-organiser of INTEGRIM Annual Conference (2015) in Istanbul, Turkey
Teaching and Supervising
Teaching and Supervision (Languages: Polish and English)
Courses: Politics of Multiculturalism, Challenges of Cultural Diversity, Multicultural Turkey, Introduction to Culture Studies, Negotiations in a Multicultural Setting, Contemporary Norway: Culture and Society.
Supervising: International Culture Studies Programme (BA level)
Jagiellonian University
Course Leader, Lecturer, Supervisor (languages: Norwegian and English)
Courses: History and Social Geography, Social Sciences 1,2,3
Supervising: Human Rights and Multiculturalism Programme (MA level)
University of South-Eastern Norway
Membership in Academic Associations
Norsk Nettverk for Migrasjonsforskning (Norwegian Network for Migration Research).
The International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE) Network, Superdiversity, Migration and Cultural Change (DivCult) Standing Committee
International Visual Sociology Association
Marie Curie Alumni Association
International Sociological Association (participation in ISA Visual Sociology Group’s Mentorship Programme – Mentor: Professor Jerome Krase, CUNY)
Nordic Migration Research Network
Reviewing experience
Journals: Journal of Housing and Built Environment, Migration Studies, Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, Visual Studies, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Tourism Planning & Development, Border Crossings, Journal for Visual Literacy, Gender and Society, International Journal of Border and Migration Studies
Language skills
Polish (native), English (fluent-C2), Norwegian (fluent-C2), Spanish (Intermediate-B2), Turkish (communicative: A2/B1)